Author: Kayla Lords



“Autostraddle is an intelligent, hilarious & provocative voice and a progressively feminist online community for multiple generations of kickass lesbian, bisexual & otherwise inclined ladies (and their friends)” URL: Payment: Yes. Payment for essays is between $40 and $150. Longer form original feature journalism or reporting pieces (3000+ words) may receive a higher payment. Submission Information: “Personal essays or feature articles on topics related to queer, feminist, butch/masculine-of-center, and/or outsider culture. We’re looking for really good stories, new angles, edgy style, unique arguments, keen intellect and searing wit.” Yes, some of the available topics include sex and sexuality. Pitch Information:...



“At LiveAbout we believe style is about more than what you wear; it’s about applying confidence and creative expression to every aspect of your life. Your personal style encompasses everything from how you approach relationships and dating to how you look and feel each day.” URL: Payment: Unknown. Submission Information: “We are looking for experienced, qualified online freelance writers who share our mission to provide style and relationship content that is not only reliable, but that leaves readers feeling educated, empowered, and understood.” Pitch Information: Look through the site to get a feel for their style. Email your pitches. Write for...

How to get paid to write about sex or anything 0

How Do I Get Paid to Write About Sex or Anything Else?

A kink friend of mine, who recently started her own blog, emailed me with a seemingly simple question, and I’m not sure I’ve ever answered it succinctly here. Not that I’m sure I can now, but we’ll try. The Question How do I get started as a paid writer? Was it hard for you to get started and where did you begin? The Answer There’s no single correct path on this, but I’ll share all the ways I started my freelance writing career. For me, it wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be because there are a million...

episode 23 of the Smutlancer podcast about dealing with fear 0

Dealing with Fear SL023

Fear seems to be on my mind this week. First a blog post (link below) and now 35 minutes on the topic in the podcast. We can’t always conquer fear, but we can learn how to run through, work around it, and deal with it. I hope these tips help you deal with your fear. In this episode: This week’s episode is brought to you by QuickBooks Self Employed. We fear being wrong. Afraid of offending Afraid of losing our anonymity. We need your voice anyway. Decide what you’ll do now. Being prepared can take the pressure off. Ask someone...

6 Ways to Stop Worrying About Being Wrong and Publish Your Content Anyway 2

6 Ways to Stop Worrying About Being Wrong and Publish Your Content Anyway

When you write or talk about sex, sexuality, and gender, there’s almost always someone waiting in the wings to tell you how wrong you are. They’ll tell you your topic is disgusting or you’re using the wrong words. Maybe they’ll throw some social media hate your way, making it feel like the entire world thinks you suck. I wish I had a magic cure for this. It wouldn’t matter if you’re creating content about puppies, this can happen. Most of the people who this are trolls and a few are extremely passionate about the topic. They’ve just forgotten that INTERNET...

Reasons Not to Delete Blog Posts and Reasons Why You Might 2

4 Reasons Not to Delete Blog Posts (and 3 Reasons You Should)

From the very first, let me say, of course you can delete any blog post you want from your website. It’s your website! But before you do, I just want you to think about why you’re doing it. Based on your business and content goals, it’s not always a good idea. In the interest of fairness, I’m going to give you reasons why you probably shouldn’t delete your blog posts and then a few reasons why you may need to. Let’s start with the reasons to keep that old content. Bad Links and 404 Errors When you delete blog content...

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How to Take Small Steps to Achieve Your Big Goals SL022

I never feel like I’m going enough or that I’ll ever reach my own goals, and I know other smutlancers feel the same way. Part rant, part ramble, here are my tips for how to take small steps to keep moving forward to achieve your big goals — especially when it seems like you’ll never get there. In this episode: Lack of inspiration and time make us wonder if it’s worth it Not seeing fast results can get us down Commit to a single task or goal — Write Every Damn Day in June Stop waiting for a big chunk...

on editing old blog posts 0

On Editing Old Blog Posts

Girl on the Net recently asked a fascinating question — should you edit old blog posts to “fix” or (more nefariously) “hide” opinions you no longer hold? She makes a good case for why you shouldn’t and also why you might be tempted. Anxiety is a bitch, y’all. But her post (and the Twitter convo we had about it later) brought to mind the idea that there is a case to be made for editing old blog posts, in general. Not to make your opinions more palatable to future readers, but as a way to get more use from your...

resources for smutlancers and entrepreneurs 2

6 Resources I Love For Entrepreneurs and Smutlancers

Disclosure: There are a few affiliate links in this post. If you make a purchase, you help support this site and my coffee addiction.  I consume a lot of resources these days, constantly trying to find the inspiration to stay in the dream-building, goal-achieving state of mind. Because let’s be real…this shit gets tough. The good days can definitely make up for any bad days, but sometimes sitting down to write feels like a slog. Sometimes I look at my goals and dreams and think, “Who the hell am I?” I’m not alone in this, and we all need a...

episode 21 of The Smutlancer podcast discussing what makes you unique 0

You Do What Others Won’t SL021

When I found myself recording multiple podcast episodes in the midnight hour between Monday night and Tuesday morning, I started thinking about all the things you and I do to make our dreams a reality. It was time to celebrate it — and I may or may not encourage you to play a silly “drinking game” while listening. In this episode: I recorded this episode at midnight. What sets us apart from others isn’t the amount of money we earn. It’s that we don’t do things like other people. We should never feel bad about taking care of our health...