Author: Kayla Lords


e[lust] 116

Looking for a way to share your sex writing with a wider audience? Check out e[lust] and submit a post to be featured each month! This is e[lust] 116!

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How To Reach Your Goals When You Have No Time to Work On Them

Eroticon is over for another year, and I have no doubt that by the time it’s over, I’ll be going through con-drop in a serious way. It happens every year. My standalone session this year was about reaching your goals when you have no time. If you weren’t able to attend Eroticon or the session, everything below is an outline of what I discussed. And if you DID attend, consider this post to be a reminder and links to the resources I mentioned. As I’m writing this in the future (re: prior to actually giving this session), I’m going to...

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Making Patreon Work for You

Patreon is a popular option for creators to increase their income for the content they make. Even with the TOS changes, sex bloggers, creators, and educators still use it. But as with everything else, it’s not easy to do, and there are things to consider before you begin.

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It’s Okay to Take Breaks

This is the 50th episode of the podcast! That feels like a huge milestone as well as a time for a small break. And in a completely self-serving way, that’s what we’re talking about this week…taking breaks and a few ideas on how to do it.

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The Problem with Perfectionism

Perfectionism feeds anxiety. It’s either the reason (some of us) are Type A or why so many more of us can never act, and then we’re paralyzed, even though we have big goals and dreams. Perfectionism lies to me all the time.

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Building Your Audience through Comments and Conversations

I don’t believe responding to comments or commenting on other blogs and websites is the *only* way to build an engaged audience, but I do think it helps. If you want a more active and engaged audience, here are some tips on how to do that.


e[lust] 115

The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust.

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Self Care as a Way to be More Productive

Self-care isn’t just the indulgent stuff we do when we’re stressed out (although I’m all for that). It’s also the way we take care of ourselves so we can do more of the stuff we want to do. Basically, adulting can make us more productive.