Tagged: sex blogging community

episode 32 of the Smutlancer podcast is an interview with Eroticon organizer and dear friend Molly Moore 0

All About Eroticon: An Interview with Molly Moore

I’m back from my hiatus and happy to be podcasting again! For the first episode of October, let’s go big! In episode 32, I talk to my dear friend Molly Moore, who is also one of the organizers of Eroticon. If you don’t know, Eroticon is a conference for sex writers, bloggers, erotic authors, and anyone creating content about sex. Going in 2017 changed me, for the better, and validated all of my work leading to that moment and my dreams and goals going forward. It’s a life-changing experience, and if you can get there, I highly recommend it. In...

What I Learned About the Sex Blogging Community from a Cross-Stitch Convention 2

What I Learned About the Sex Blogging Community from a Cross-Stitch Convention

In August 2018, I attended my first ever cross-stitch (a form of needlepoint) convention. Even though I’ve been stitching for 30 years, I felt completely out of my element. During it all, I learned a lot about myself, sex blogging, and communities. The first thing I learned is that there’s a convention for everything, including cross-stitch. The second thing I learned is that no matter how different one community may seem from another, we have more in common than we think. Sometimes it takes being on the outside of one community to better understand your own…and to remember how newcomers...

episode seven discusses the importance of community 2

Why Community Matters SL007

After talking about friendships in episode 6, the sex blogging community as a whole is on my mind. Cultivating friendships is important but being a part of the community, even in a small way, matters just as much. In this episode: Communities remind us we’re not completely solitary. We might not all be besties but we have a place to share the struggles and good times as a creator. Communities are where you learn best practices, problems (like Twitter shadowbans), and what you don’t know that you don’t know. Online communities are out there – in every social media platform....