Tagged: planning

blog banner for episode 116 of the Smutlancers podcast on planning 2021 goals 1

Looking Back to Help Plan Future Goals

In this week’s episode, the last of 2020, we talk about looking back on what you did (or didn’t) accomplish for the year to help you set your goals for the upcoming year.

episode 105 of the Smutlancers podcast 0

Everything is a Process

We almost never have an idea on Monday and reveal a fully fleshed out reality by Friday. It takes time and patience. Along the way, we need to recognize progress and successes as they occur, even if they don’t match the finished picture we have in our heads.

episode 70 of the Smutlancers podcast discussing planners with a giveaway 7

Why You Need a Planner in Your Life

The year is almost over, and if you’re like us, you’re already starting to think about next year. If getting organized and feeling at least a LITTLE less stressed, Molly shares her experiences with the Circle Planner (her planner of choice) AND a giveaway (scroll to the bottom to enter)! Note: Some of the links below are affiliate links. This means when you make a purchase, Molly makes a little cash. In this episode: Why Molly uses a planner How she got into the Circle Planner Why she’s sticking with this planner Lessons learned Enter the giveaway (scroll down) Links...