We all live busy lives and have multiple things we’re juggling at the same time. So how exactly are we supposed to work and live and still do this smutlancing side hustle? By setting goals and being productive.
You’ll never find the time. You’ve got to make it and use the same 24 hours as everyone else. If you’re feeling unfocused, lost, and overwhelmed, use this as a way to jumpstart your productivity and get more done without sacrificing your health.
How to Reach Your Goals When You Have No Time to Work On Them: These are the notes and links from Kayla’s Eroticon 2019 presentation on productivity and goal setting. She followed each tip listed in here to get more done and still have time to relax.
8 Tools That Make Your More Productive: At some point or another one or both of us have used each of these tools, and they’ve helped us get more done and stay organized.
What To Do Instead of Waiting for Inspiration to Strike: Nothing kills productivity like waiting for inspiration. Instead of doing that and getting nothing done, do this.
Self Care as a Way to Be More Productive: If you’re falling apart, exhausted, sick, and worn out, you’ll never get anything done. Check out this podcast episode and take care of yourself so you can be more productive.
4 Ways FOMO Kills Your Productivity: FOMO — fear of missing out — does awful things to us. It keeps us scrolling social media too long, constantly checking our email, and doing anything but getting things done.
How to Take Small Steps to Achieve Your Goals: It’s easy to convince ourselves that the only work that matters is the big stuff, the giant leaps forward. In reality, the baby steps keep us on track and get us where we want to be.