Tagged: erotica

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How to Make Money: Fiction Writing

I’m not going to tell you or anyone else how to write fiction. As a some-time erotic writer, I know we all have our own methods and styles. A lot of people can write, but not a lot of people can make money at it. In our ongoing series on how to make money, let’s talk about fiction writing in all its forms. On Your Blog The sexy smut on your blog can, eventually, earn money. Like any other kind of blogging, it takes time and effort to build an audience. Once you do, you can leverage that audience into...

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How to Build Relationships with Your Readers

Relationships matter in everything we do. Without good working relationships, day jobs are miserable. A bad relationship – romantic, parental, friend – wreaks havoc on our confidence and mental health. The rapport you build with people can open up new opportunities in life, make connections with strangers, and move your goals forward. Writing about sex is inherently personal. When you build relationships with your readers, you create a connection that can change lives. Once you decide that you want to take your ability to write and connect and turn it into income, relationship building becomes even more important. Without readers,...

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Writing About Sex Isn’t Easy Money, No Matter What Anyone Says

Back in 2015, when I decided that maybe writing about sex was a legitimate career choice (spoiler alert: it totally is), I did the only thing I could think of. I Googled “how to make money writing about sex.” Big mistake. My results were filled with articles of “legitimate” writers who decided they’d try this whole erotica thing out for themselves. Some said they made a few pennies. Others said that for an hour of work, they made a few hundred dollars. Most of the “advice” I read centered on the idea that writing about sex is a joke, no...