Tagged: changing habits

When Your Routine No Longer Helps You 1

When Your Routine No Longer Helps You

I love a good routine. Habits, systems, procedures…it all adds up to one thing: predictability. If I know what I need to do (and how to do it) I can get more done. But I’ve also learned that a routine can hold you back. Keep you stuck in doing the same old thing because it’s comfortable, not because it’s what’s best for you.

episode 43 of the Smutlancer podcast discusses how to achieve our goals by bringing intention, focus, and patience to our work and life 0

Bringing Intention, Focus, and Patience to Your Smutlancing Goals

In episode 43 of the Smutlancer Podcast, let’s talk about all those goals we set for 2019 and the ones we’re still working on. Being intentional with our time and effort, focusing on the task, and being patient will help us all achieving our smutlancing goals.