Smutlancer Revenue Report: February 2021

Kayla Lords

Kayla Lords is a freelance sex writer, podcaster, blogger, all-around sex content creating human, and she really likes creating content. As a writer, she focuses on sex and kink primarily on BDSM and power exchange. She works with private clients to write their content and manage their social media, while also co-hosting two podcasts, running a YouTube channel, and managing multiple blogs. Let's just say, she stays busy and wants to keep it that way. Kayla is an international speaker and an award-winning sex blogger. She believes we are stronger together as a community than we are isolated and apart. We all deserve to get paid for the work we do, but until we understand our cumulative power, we'll all wonder if we're "the only one" doing this smutlancing thing.

2 Responses

  1. Quinn Rhodes says:

    I do like that even though your income from The Smutlancer (as a *brand*, because all your work is smutlancing as a *verb*) is small, it’s a visible chunk of your revenue stream pie chart! Also seeing that number when I know how much I personally give you for access to the community, etc. is really interesting – I kind of feel like I’m not paying you enough for all the support and encouragement and friendship and advice! That does kind of lead me to an Actual Question though – are there particular income streams that you feel you get paid for the amount of work you actually put in? Like, do you feel like you put a lot of work into The Smutlancer and Obscene Ideas, for example, to get relatively little revenue from that project, or do you see that work as an investment in a project and brand that hopefully *will* eventually make you money that kind of equates to the number of hours you’re putting in? (I hope that makes sense!)

    • Kayla Lords says:

      Would I like to make more from both Smutlancers and Obscene Ideas? Yes. Are both currently a lot of work for not a lot of money? Also yes. But I see them both as investments in the future. We have plans to expand the Smutlancer revenue streams with new offerings (as passive as possible because there’s just not a lot of time). And we always assumed Obscene Ideas would take a while to take off because we’re adding new titles so slowly, but we also have plans to expand that in new ways to (hopefully) increase revenue without adding a lot of work as well — watch this space, as we’ll announce both expansions.

      That being said, all projects need to be assessed and reassessed to determine if the work going in is worth the revenue being received. At that point we either decide to try something new or we decide to cut something. For now, we’re full steam ahead. We don’t plan to reassess anything until the end of the year. 🙂

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