Tagged: goals

episode 38 of the Smutlancer podcast discusses feeling like you want to quit on all your goals 0

When You Feel Like Quitting

In episode 38, I discuss that moment when you’re so overwhelmed that you feel like quitting on all your smutlancing goals. It happened to me quite recently, and I think I figured out a good process to use to deal with it. If you’ve felt that way, you’re not alone, and I don’t think we have to be stuck in that feeling either. In this episode: This week’s episode is brought to you by QuickBooks Self Employed We’ve talked about quitting in the past and sometimes quitting is a really good option. Not all feelings of wanting to quit are...

episode 34 of the Smutlancer podcast discusses the importance of both patience and the hustle and grind 0

Why Both Patience and the Hustle and Grind are Important

Some people will tell you to be patient as you work towards your smutlancing goals. Others will say you need to hustle and grind. After much listening, learning, and thinking, I believe you need both. Let’s talk about it. In this episode: This week’s episode is brought to you by QuickBooks Self Employed Hustle and grind has a bad reputation, but to me it’s what we do each and every day to further our goals. It doesn’t mean we’re on 100 percent of the time — but that we’ve made a plan and we’re committed to it. Patience is knowing...

figuring out if you're on the right track with your smutlancing goals 0

How to Tell If You’re on the Right Track

A big thanks to Amy of Coffee and Kink for inspiring this particular post. We had a good Twitter conversation (as we often do) that got me thinking. Knowing if you’re on the right track with your smutlancing goals or if you’re just spinning your wheels is a question we all have to face at some point. And we have to reassess periodically because it’s easy to veer off course or do something that’s not actually working. I imagine there are a million ways to figure out if you’re on track towards your goals, but these are the methods I...

how to use small steps to achieve long term goals 2

How to Take Small Steps to Achieve Your Big Goals SL022

I never feel like I’m going enough or that I’ll ever reach my own goals, and I know other smutlancers feel the same way. Part rant, part ramble, here are my tips for how to take small steps to keep moving forward to achieve your big goals — especially when it seems like you’ll never get there. In this episode: Lack of inspiration and time make us wonder if it’s worth it Not seeing fast results can get us down Commit to a single task or goal — Write Every Damn Day in June Stop waiting for a big chunk...

episode 21 of The Smutlancer podcast discussing what makes you unique 0

You Do What Others Won’t SL021

When I found myself recording multiple podcast episodes in the midnight hour between Monday night and Tuesday morning, I started thinking about all the things you and I do to make our dreams a reality. It was time to celebrate it — and I may or may not encourage you to play a silly “drinking game” while listening. In this episode: I recorded this episode at midnight. What sets us apart from others isn’t the amount of money we earn. It’s that we don’t do things like other people. We should never feel bad about taking care of our health...

figure out your purpose, your "why" as a creator and smutlancer 0

What is Your Why?

Have you ever asked yourself why? Why am I writing sex toy reviews at midnight? Why am I obsessed over sharing details of my sex life or selling this product or educating the sex-curious masses? Knowing your why as a smutlancer is as important as knowing your what. Because when things get tough — and they will — being able to remind yourself why will keep you going. At the same time, your “why” becomes a gut check about what you’re doing. Should you start this thing, say yes to that, or go in a new direction? Knowing your purpose...

How to set a goal to accomplish a dream 0

Finding Success with Goal Setting

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the possible things you could do as a smutlancer. You look around and think, “Okay, I want to be [INSERT THING YOU WANT TO BE]” and then you wonder how the hell you’re supposed to make it happen. We’ve already talked about re-thinking success and decided (at least I did) that it’s about the goals you set for yourself. If you want to achieve whatever success looks like to you, you need a goal. But even knowing where to begin can be extremely overwhelming. So let’s talk about what that can look like....

redefining success as a smutlancer 4

What Does Success Look Like?

You can blame Cara Thereon (whom I adore) for this one. We got into an amazing conversation on Twitter about jealousy, comparison, and success. From that, this blog post was born. Too many of us see what other people are doing and ask ourselves, “Why aren’t I doing that yet? Will I ever have that level of success?” I do it. You may do it. Even the people you admire are probably doing it. We’ve discussed the comparison game before. It gets under your skin and stops you from moving forward. We perceive someone else has “success” that we want,...

Kayla Lords Smutlancer Story 2

My Story: Writing About Sex for Money

“Writing is like sex. First you do it for love, then you do it for your friends, and then you do it for money.” ~Virginia Woolf I know that Virginia Woolf isn’t specifically talking to sex writers in this quote, but it fits. Her words outline my personal journey into the world of writing about sex for money. What started as a way to write and figure myself out, turned into something I did to connect with the sex blogging community. Then, around 2015, I decided I wanted to make money while writing about sex and relationships. Becoming a Smutlancer How...